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The Objective of Monastir Science Palace is to create an intellectual, cultural and scientific dynamics among the different categories of citizens. 
It is notably responsible for:

  • Contributing to the promotion and dissemination of knowledge so that all citizens could benefit of the progress in science.
  • Raising awareness and educating the public about the methods and the scientific discoveries.
  • Raising the intellectual aspirations of citizens, attracting the young educated and exploiting all the available spaces to  achieve and actualize their scientific creations.
  • Disclosing the scientific culture and the culture of entrepreneurship among the public, and developing a spirit of creativity   and initiatives.
  • Conducting various activities with the Virtual University of Tunis(distance conferences, distance learning, distance   training...).
  • Encouraging the creation of innovative companies, helping higher education graduates to create their own projects.
  • Creating interfaces between academic institutions and the components of the commercial and economic surrounding.
  • Publishing the activities of the palace and the specialized as well as the general scientific articles in various fields.